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Hide Categories in Portfolio Filter

Problem: Currently, unwanted categories appear in the portfolio filter simply because an image has this additional category, even though you want to hide these categories. You select the categories "Wedding", "Portrait" and "Family" for your portfolio An image has the categories "Wedding" and "Business" The image is displayed "Business" appears unwanted additionally in the filter bar The filter bar shows: "Wedding", "Portrait", "Family" and "Business" Solution: New option: "Hide categories" You determine exactly which categories should be visible in the filter bar All other categories are automatically hidden The images themselves remain visible as long as they have at least one allowed category The hidden categories don't appear anywhere in the filter bar Example: You select the visible categories "Wedding", "Portrait" and "Family" An image has the categories "Wedding" and "Business" The image is displayed normally (because of "Wedding") The category "Business" is completely hidden Visitors only see in the filter bar: "Wedding", "Portrait" and "Family"

ameisoid 3 months ago